Website solutions for minimalists

I don't have a website or any of that crap. -C. G.

A former publishing and media executive, C.G. was getting by on the power of his C-suite network. But without a buffer, even your network's power can be fragile.

I built a website in two days.

Now, whenever C.G. needs to land a 5-figure client, he doesn't have to give the same pitch. Now, he gets to control the narrative of what people see when they look him up online:

  • Consistent branding
  • Displaying projects that reflect the work he wants to get—not just the work he's done.

Lesson? You don't need to be a 'web guy' to have a website. You don't need an insane amount of money. You don't even have to keep updating it: you just have to make a landing page that you're proud enough of to call your online home.

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